How to settle Invoices

So you want to settle your invoice and don’t know how? The following is a step by step guide in doing so.

1) First you’ll need to log on to client space by clicking on the client space button on top right of the page.

2) On this page you need to log in using your client space details, which we  sent you via email when you signed up with us, it would would be one of the 1st few emails you received from us just after signing up.

3) After logging on your client space, on the main section of the page look for “Overdue Invoices" and click on "pay now"

4) On the Mass Payment page, select a payment method and click on the "Make payment" button.

5) Select “Pay Now” after reviewing your invoice.


6) Select the applicable credit card/payment option by clicking on it.

7) You will be prompted for more information based on the payment option you selected.

7.1) If you selected Credit & Cheque card, Input your banking details on the provided fields then click on the "Pay" button.

7.2) If you selected Instant ETF Select the bank of choice, login using your online banking details and pay.

7.3) If you selected Masterpass, scan the barcode in your Masterpass App to complete your payment or open it in the app. 

7.4) If you selected Zapper, scan the barcode in your Zapper App to complete your payment or open it in the app.

Thank you for choosing Okuhle Digital.



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