Cloud Hosting

Get custom digital solutions for businesses of all sizes from Okuhle Digital Enterprise and Dedicated Hosting. Let's start!


Per Month


  • CPU - 2
  • RAM - 2GB
  • Single Domain
  • Storage - 100GB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Umetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 4
  • RAM - 4GB
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Storage - 500GB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Unmetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 6
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Storage - 1 Terabyte
  • Bandwidth - Umetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 6
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Storage - 1.2TB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Umetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 6
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Storage - 1.5TB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Unmetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 6
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Storage - 2TB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Umetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 6
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Single Domain
  • Storage - 3TB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Umetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 6
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Storage - 4TB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Unmetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Per Month


  • CPU - 6
  • RAM - 6GB
  • Unlimited Domains
  • Storage - 5 TB SSD
  • Bandwidth - Umetered
  • Add-ons - Static IP & CPU, RAM
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Features of our Enterprise Packages


Full Security

No DDOS formed against us shall prosper :-). We have state of the art security at our data center making sure that our data and your data is protected at all time.


24/7 Support

Trust in our technical support staff! We strive to resolve all queries within the first point of contact without the endless cycle of back and forth. We save you time and money.


Email Hosting

You know those ISPs that charge you per mailbox? We're not them. Our emails are free, you only pay for storage space and when that storage space runs out, you can simply upgrade.


Secure Data

Sign up with us knowing that your information is protected and secured at all times. It won't be used nor given to any third party for any reasons without your consent.

One Click Installation

Frequently Asked Questions

Enterprise and Dedicated Hosting

Dedicated hosting is a single web hosting environment that’s dedicated to the needs of a single website. This is typically for websites that are large, receive a high volume of traffic, or require a unique hosting setup. In dedicated hosting clients get complete control over their server environment. This allows for complete server customisation and is ideal for larger organisations.

With dedicated server hosting, you’re renting an entire physical server. This provides you with unparalleled customisation and control over your server environment. Plus, you’ll have access to higher levels of server resources. With a dedicated server, you’ll be able to customise your CPU type, operating system, and the total amount of RAM and storage available.

With dedicated hosting, you have access to the entire server. With shared hosting, you’re simply renting a portion of that same server. You can think of it in terms of an apartment building. If you choose a shared hosting environment you’re renting a single apartment. While with a dedicated server you’d be renting the entire building, and keeping every room open for your own needs. You can see why dedicated hosting is typically a much more expensive option. Instead of sharing resources with hundreds of other websites on the same server you’ll have access to the entirety of the server’s resources for your own website.

With unmanaged dedicated hosting, you’ll essentially be renting a blank server, and customizing it to your liking. You’ll be in charge of technical tasks like server maintenance, security, software updates, and everything else required to keep your server secure and running. With managed dedicated hosting, you’ll typically have a team of experts that will help to setup and manage your dedicated server. You’ll usually have to do some technical tasks yourself, but that list will be much smaller than if you were running an unmanaged dedicated server.

Dedicated hosting isn’t the best fit for every kind of website owner. For starters, they’re much more technical to manage. Sometimes even requiring an entire team. If you’re less technical, but still require a dedicated server, there are managed dedicated server hosting packages that will reduce the number of technical tasks you must perform. Another disadvantage is the cost. Dedicated server hosting environments will be the most expensive option available to you. So, if you’re just starting out, or have a low budget for hosting, then there are better options out there.