Microsoft Cloud Solutions

Need to know more about the Okuhle Digital Microsoft Cloud Solutions? Connect with our cloud solution experts today!

What does Cloud Solution Program (CSP) mean for the customer?

  • Customers will be able to work with a cloud solution provider who has proven track record and a direct connection with Microsoft
  • Wide range of offers and services on a single invoice for higher transparency and simplicity
  • Deeper engagement with customer which enable enhanced customer support and solution
  • Leverage Okuhle Digital’s proven expertise in Azure systems and reduce Azure learning curve
  • Increase productivity through rapid deployment and automation that scales too.
    Take advantage of our expertise in building custom apps that fits your business requirements

We're a Microsoft Partner company.

Okuhle Digital is a certified Microsoft Cloud Solutions Provider. The Microsoft Cloud Solution Provider Program (CSP) enables partners to directly manage their entire Microsoft cloud customer lifecycle including support, billing and invoicing.

Benefits of utilising the Okuhle Digital CSP Program

No multiyear agreements required for licensing
No upfront commitment for Microsoft Cloud Service
No requirement to negotiate with different partners for licensing and services
One invoice for services and support.

Need to know more about the Okuhle Digital Microsoft Cloud Products?

Connect with our cloud solution experts by filling in the form on this page.