Updating your cPanel Hosted Email Spam Filters

We’ve been receiving numerous complaints about clients getting a lot of spam and we understand that this can be very frustrating to engage with and impacts your space and subsequently what you pay every month for domain hosting.Updating your cPanel Hosted Email Spam Filters can help.

Our Solution

To combat this issue, we’ve increased the threshold of all spam filters on all domains from the default 5 to a 4. What does this mean for you? It means your spam filters will be more aggressive in filtering out emails that are spam and the chances of spam emails landing in your main inbox immediately reduce.

If the above is implemented but you’re still experiencing issues, we will take it up a notch to a 1. However, there are consequences to this change. With the spam filters changed to 4 and then possibly a 1, it means some emails that are not necessarily spam might land in the spam folder, so it’s important for you to occasionally check your spam folder to make sure you’re not missing important emails.

You can also update your settings directly on cPanel. Below is a video on Updating your cPanel Hosted Email Spam Filters. If you need help with setting this up, drop us an email on support@okuhledigital.co.za or go to our website to chat with us.

Want to switch to a premium cloud-based email hosting service? Okuhle Digital is a registered Microsoft Solutions Provider (MSP) and we can help you migrate your domains to the Microsoft Cloud from as little as R44.50 per user per month. Get in touch with us to learn more.  

More Information

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