How do I Add Products and Domains to my cPanel?

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The “Add On Domain” option in your cPanel lets you add extra domains as add-on domains to your hosting account.

This lets you host additional domains from your account.

  1. Login to your cPanel which can be found at your domain name forward slash cPanel, for example:
  2. Next scroll down to the section titled Domains, and click on Add-on Domains
  3. Fill in your new domain name with the extension
  4. Insert a password for this domain, this password will be used for the domains FTP access.
  5. Click Add Domain and your new domain will have been added to your cPanel.

You can upload files directly to this add-on domain using the username and password for the add-on domain to log in via FTP.

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How do I Add Products and Domains to my cPanel?

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